Sunday School Classes
St. Stephen believes in helping everyone grow their relationship with Jesus through Biblical education, and that includes adults as well. We have two Sunday School classes that meet at 9:30 A.M. As we begin to meet together in person, we highly encourage people attending these classes to wear masks, while not currently mandatory.
The Fellowship
The Fellowship class meets in the Education Building and studies the International Lesson Series. Class members read the text and then discuss its relevance and impact on our daily lives.
The Seekers
The Seekers class meets in the library of the Education Building . This class will use different books by various authors to study the Bible. The different books and authors adds a variety to the subject matter which creates lively discussions.
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School – We will start back on September 5th with in-person Sunday school. We highly encourage children ages 6 years and older to wear masks and our Sunday school teachers will be wearing masks. Children’s Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday in the Education Building.
Youth Sunday School Class
Youth Sunday School Class – Whether you are brand new or have been around for years, we are excited to be in community with you! Starting on Labor Day weekend we have Sunday school classes for grades 6th-12th from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Education Building.