Adult Discipleship

Bible Studies:
Bible Studies:

In the Word Wednesdays – This is a Bible Study lead by Pastor Pistol Robinson. It meets on Wednesdays from 10-11am AND 6:30-7:30pm in the Hospitality Room of the Main Building. Our next study will begin August 17th and we will be studying Isaiah using the book Isaiah, Interpretation Bible Studies by Gary W. Light.  We will also be offering this study by Zoom on Mondays from 7-8pm starting September 12th.  Contact our church office if you would like to attend by zoom.

Let’s Talk – This is a group that meets once a quarter to talk about things they have read about, watched or listened to. Pastor Pistol provides a list of resources for you to consider for a 90-day period and then we meet to together to discuss various insights and questions from engaging those resources.

Book Study – This is a small group study that meets on Sunday afternoons at 4pm.  Our next book study is Good News About Injustice by Gary A. Haugen.  It begins on April 24th at 4pm.

Small Groups and Sunday School Classes:
Small Groups and Sunday School Classes:

The Fellowship class meets in the Education Building and studies the International Lesson Series. Class members read the text and then discuss its relevance and impact on our daily lives.

The Seekers class meets in the library of the Education Building . This class will use different books by various authors to study the Bible. The different books and authors adds a variety to the subject matter which creates lively discussions.

More Info

We are looking forward to starting up our small group program in the Spring. If you are interested in leading one or being a part of a small group, please contact us at and/or call us at 817-460-8655.